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      Audio Cassette Sets  

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The schism between the mind and emotions, masculine and feminine, spirituality and psychology is eloquently exposed in this recording of lecture given at a conference on esoteric psychology.










These are all sets of audio cassettes in vinyl albums. They contain two, four, or eight cassettes, most of which were transferred from DAT tape.

Kitchen Doctor: Taste and the Elements
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Based on the Ayurvedic tenet that taste is a clue to the pharmacology of food, Ingrid relates the six tastes: sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, salty, and astringent to the elements and constitutional balance. The system is so logical and clearly presented that anyone hearing these tapes can immediately begin applying the ideas so as to enhance physical harmony. The relationship of physical and psychological health is also developed to a considerable extent.
Four 90-minute cassettes


The Elements: Constitutional Type and Temperament
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The elements are one of the four cornerstones of Ingrid's system of medical astrology. Like the ancient Greeks and Indians, Ingrid sees the elements as the constituents of the material world, the world of form. However, the elements are distinguished by vibration, not only rate and density, but also nuance. The physical and psychological characteristics of fire, earth, air, and water are discussed in detail as are the protocols for harmonizing the elements.
Four 90-minute cassettes


Fate: Destiny or Karma
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Ingrid's personal favorite

These tapes address the schism between mind and emotions, masculine and feminine, spirituality and psychology. They weave a story of the structure of the psyche and the origins of karma. More importantly, the reasons for the need for harmony between the personality and spirit are intelligently and compassionately presented.

Two cassettes


Adrenal Exhaustion
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In this era of constant pressure to adapt to both environmental stressors as well as the tyrannies mind imposes on matter, many of the most talented people on the Planet are chronically fatigued and/or allergic to a host of foods and contaminants that undermine the love of life. This lecture offers practical advice for regaining stamina and stability and finding support for one's expression in the world.

Two cassettes


The Moon
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Ingrid sees the Moon as the astrological symbol of memory. Unlike some, she does not differentiate short- and long-term memory but rather personal, or conditioned memory, and unconditioned memory, fact as separate from the judgment of experience by the individual having the experience. She sees the Moon as the key or clue or representative of the subconscious, which she believes affect not only feelings and reactions to situations but also physiological functioning. On these tapes, she discusses the unique needs of each lunar type and makes a good case for the continuity of consciousness through many lifetimes.

Two cassettes


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This lengthy series deals with the more esoteric part of Ingrid's system of medical astrology. The chakras, their relationship to the endocrine glands, physiological functioning and psychological persuasions as well as spiritual unfoldment, are discussed in detail. The tapes were recorded in 1990 at a conference called the "Esoteric Journey of the Soul" and are thus among the older of the albums listed here. Nevertheless, astroendocrinology is another of the cornerstones of Ingrid's system so they are offered despite the fact that they do not represent the author's most current thinking.

Eight 90-minute cassettes


Effects of Emotion on Physiology
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Ingrid believes that each of the four elemental types has a predisposition that favors the expression of one emotion over another. For instance, fire's first instinct is to defend and it is the energy of "arousal" or passion that assists the effort needed to act. However, water's primary emotion is grief—and water is often confused by anger. The emotions associated with each type (fire, earth, air, water) and how feelings affect the workings of the physical body are addressed in great depth. Besides anger and grief, Ingrid discusses fear and its relationship to the air element and depression as it pertains to the earth element. She covers expression and repression and the consequences of moving energy out or keeping it within.

Four cassettes (five hours)


The Moon in Relationships
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The particular needs and implicit assumptions of the subconscious and how these affect interactions with others are covered in this incredibly insightful lecture. Every individual has instinctive attitudes that determine fundamental beliefs about what is important: how money should be handled, how children should be educated, and what makes life worth living. These are lunar and, according to Ingrid, in most people, many basic attitudes operate below the level of consciousness.

Two cassettes


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These tapes were recorded at an informal discus_ah of cancer in Portland, Oregon, in which Ingrid spoke very much from heart about the psychological predisposition to cancer and the transformation of unhealthy patterns. She also talked about diet and herbal protocols, including her study of escharotic salves.

Three 90-minute cassettes






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