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      Endurance Formula  

Adrenal Exhaustion

As I navigate my third Saturn cycle, I am acutely aware that this site serves to complete my own destiny, that of bringing love and light into the areas of our being where pain and suffering have created the wounds that today need healing.










2 lbs. Cornus berries Dogwood (Japanese cornelian cherry)
2 lbs. Dioscorea Chinese yam
2 lbs. Alisma plantago-aquatica Water plantain tubers
7½ oz. Cooked rehmannia Scrophularia
7½ oz. Lycium berries Chinese wolfberry (matrimony vine
4½ oz. Fructus rubi Raspberries
4 oz. Orange peel  
3½ oz. Semen plantago-aquatica Water plantain seeds
3½ oz.  Schizandra berries Magnolia vine berries
3½ oz. Semen cuscutae Dodder seeds (bride's laces)
2 oz.  Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice
  Honey to taste  
  Water as needed  



Soak schizandra berries overnight. Grind each herb separately until quite fine. Heat a few cups of purified water in stainless steel pot. Add herbs gradually, stir constantly. Cook for about three hours over a very low flame. Add a little honey towards the end (avoid heating the honey) Diabetics can substitute stevia for honey, but dioscorea helps with blood sugar so that most diabetics will not have to worry about the honey.

This makes into a thick jam that can be eaten straight from the bottle or used on muffins or bread. It is an adrenal tonic that gently and gradually supports energy and stamina. It strengthens the kidneys, improves sexual performance and continence, restores luster to the skin. Use half to a full teaspoon, two to three times a day.

See also article on Adrenal Exhaustion

Adrenal Exhaustion In this era of constant pressure to adapt to both environmental stressors as well as the tyrannies mind imposes on matter, many of the most talented people on the Planet are chronically fatigued and/or allergic to a host of foods and contaminants that undermine the love of life. This lecture offers practical advice for regaining stamina and stability and finding support for one's expression in the world.

Two audio cassettes in vinyl box, $


Immune Butter || Kicharee || Lycium Berry Smoothie || Stamina Formula


Poulsbo, Washington