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Ingrid Naiman

As I navigate my third Saturn cycle, I am acutely aware that this site serves to complete my own destiny, that of bringing love and light into the areas of our being where pain and suffering have created the wounds that today need healing.










clove oilClove oil is made from the buds of the flowers of a tree that grows in tropical to Equatorial regions: Madgascar to Sri Lanka and Indonesia. It is an intense oil, most commonly used to relieve dental pain and infection and to dissolve the eggs deposited by intestinal worms. It is delicious but overwhelming in both smell and taste. It is antiseptic, carminative, warming, and very aromatic. It is often used as a flavoring in toothpaste, mouthwashes, and exotic foods.

$, 5 ml.

My own preferred use is to add a few drops of clove oil to an ounce of a high quality cooking oil or oil high in essential fatty acids (such as flax, borage, evening primrose, or black currant oil.) Then, I fill a few (not many because the oil can dissolve the capsules) "00" vegetarian gelcaps and take one or two capsules a day to relieve flatulence and noxious odors in the digestive system. Peristalsis is also somewhat aided by this practice.


Astrological Aromatherapy

Astrological Aromatherapy
by Patricia Davis

For thousands of years, healers have observed that both people and plants respond to the annual cycle of the heavens.

Ayurveda & Aromatherapy

Ayurveda & Aromatherapy
by Dr. Light Miller & Dr. Bryan Miller

Step-by-step self diagnoses of metabolic types make it easy to understand both Ayurveda and its healing benefits.




Poulsbo, Washington