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      Storks and Stars: Astrological Fertility Cycles  

Lunar Herbs

When the ovulation cycle and astrological fertility cycle converge, there is a period of extremely high fertility.










Some years ago, Dr. Eugen Jonas, a Czechoslovakian psychiatrist with a penchant for ancient writings, came across a curious sentence in an Assyrian or Babylonian manuscript stating that, "A woman is fertile according to the Moon."  After much brooding and reflection, he began researching lunar cycles and ultimately found that 70-85% of pregnancies occur when the lunar phase is the same as it was at the moment of the woman's birth. According to Jonas, 15-30% of pregnancies occur during the ovulation phase, thereby making the rhythm method unreliable for those who use it to avoid pregnancy.

When the ovulation cycle and astrological fertility cycle converge, there is a period of extremely high fertility. Jonas believed that many conceptions occur when the two cycles synchronize.

He went on to found an enormous chain of Astro Fertility Centers in Eastern Europe where inexpensive but reliable methods of contraception were sought by many who for religious or economic reasons wanted to use a non-invasive method of birth control. 

Used in reverse, the combination of the two cycles makes planned parenthood relatively easy to use also.

Simply stated, there is a greater chance of conception when the lunar phase is the same as at the mother's birth than by using any other measure of fertility (such as temperature, ovulation, mucus, etc.)  For example, if a woman was born when the Moon was full, she will be fertile when the Moon is full.  If she was born during the first quarter of the Moon, she will be fertile at that time.

Jonas went on the prove that the sign the Moon is in at the moment of conception determines the sex of the child that will be conceived, again with virtually 100% accuracy. He maintained that twins consisting of one boy and one girl are conceived when the Moon is changing signs. If the Moon is in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius when the conception occurs, a boy will be born. If it is in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces, a girl will be born.


It is necessary to allow time for the sperm to travel to reach the egg. Jonas allowed 12 hours. Conception occurs when the sperm impregnates the egg, and it is this moment that is used to determine the sex of the child. Ergo, if the exact phase of the Moon occurs at 10:00 am, sexual relations (or artificial insemination) must occur the night before so that some viable sperm are present where they need to be at the exact moment of maximum fertility.

There is more on this subject on the Bulletin Board as well as an invitation to participate in research. If you are familiar with astrofertility, have used it yourself, or wish to use it, please visit the board!

Other Articles:

There is an article on the Air-Water Balance and its relationship to fertility and longevity on

See also the article on Xenoestrogens on

For a commentary on cloning, see Ingrid's article on Soaring Spirit. 

Discussion on the Bulletin Board - closed to posting, but archived.

See visual image of the Moon on any day.


Water of Life

Astrological lecture on the rules of fertility and longevity, presented at UAC in Monterey, California. Covers water as the protector and nurturer as well as life sustainer.

Audio cassette, $


Female Formulas

Herbal Women's Support Women's Support
Banyan Botanicals

90 tablets, $

Shatavari Shatavari
Banyan Botanicals

90 tablets, $

Male Formulas

Herbal Men's SupportMen's Support
Banyan Botanicals

90 tablets, $

Banyan Botanicals

90 tablets, $



Psychology and Spirituality || Venus-Mars
Acute vs. Chronic Diseases || Monastic Moon || Fire: The Power to Change
Laboratory vs. Clinical Medicine || Weight || Lunar Herbs
Constitutional Type || Soaring Spirit with Tears
Sleeping Woman || Ego Light and Loving Light
|| Medicine Name


Poulsbo, Washington