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      Oregon Astrological Association Program  

Ingrid Naiman

As I navigate my third Saturn cycle, I am acutely aware that this site serves to complete my own destiny, that of bringing love and light into the areas of our being where pain and suffering have created the wounds that today need healing.










This program was presented for the Oregon Astrological Association in Portland, March 16-17, 2001.  It is a sample of what can be offered to students as well as astrological professionals.  In most cases, recordings of the lectures are made and are available to interested persons on the order form page as well as the online store.

Miasms of the Moon Cleaning the Windows to the Third Eye

Most spiritual traditions reference the third eye, but very few give instructions for working with the mystic eye. Ingrid sees clouds fogging the lens of the cosmic eye, a radar screen of infinite possibilities if haze were not obscuring divine inspiration. She believes that the mist is composed of memory, personal memories of all experience since the beginning of our incarnate journeys. She views this refraction as "lunar miasm," a dense personal filter coloring how we see out our windows and how we judge experience. Through past life regressions and transcendental shifts of consciousness, Ingrid has concluded that we each have the possibility of seeing through the "single eye," but not until we understand the content of the miasms and do the intense psychological work necessary to shift from conditioned to intuitive awareness. Join us as Ingrid makes a case for continuity of lunar consciousness through countless lives, for memory that is not bounded by birth and death but rather by emotional evaluations of experience that inhibit the lifting of the veil of the Third Eye.

Dissolving Lunar Miasms

As one attempts to carry out one's role within the greater Cosmic Plan, each individual experiences and reacts to experience. These reactions are intensely personal and hence unique to each child of the Divine Parents. They are also what we know as karma, the web in which we are trapped until we extricate ourselves from the patterns that are the basis for all physiological and psychological functioning. Drawing upon insights from Zen and the Patanjali Yoga Sutras as well as 30 years of astrological counseling and work with memory, Ingrid offers psychological and spiritual techniques for discovering, interpreting, and clearing lunar miasms so as to perceive without personal bias, that is to see everything as it truly is rather than as it seems or feels. Combining theory with astrology, Ingrid uses case histories to teach and demonstrate techniques for accessing the memories in the subconscious. She sets the stage for individuals to begin the difficult task of clearing patterns and aligning with Cosmos.

You missed these talks, but tapes of Ingrid's seminars are available online.

If interested in inviting Ingrid Naiman to speak, please send an e-mail.

Bioneers Conference
San Rafael, California

Speaker in 2000

"No conference on Earth celebrates more fully the possibilities of creating a world that is conducive to life. Bioneers is central to the imagination of what it means to be human."

Paul Hawken. author, Natural Capitalism


Poulsbo, Washington